Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️

What’s in your food? Do you know what’s in it? If you don’t, maybe you should take some time to find out what you’re eating. Know the ingredients of your food. It’s going to help you a lot especially if you’re trying to lose weight.
Unfortunately, not all diet foods are safe. They may seem safe but they’re not. You really have to be careful when choosing a diet program. Even if they claim to be safe, effective, and healthy you need to know what goes into their food.
According to, you can lose weight easily if you stay away from processed foods. Unfortunately, some of the foods you’ll find in the leading diet delivery programs are processed. So they won’t really help you lose weight. If it does help, the weight loss will be very temporary.
Unfortunately, some of the foods you’ll find in the leading diet delivery programs are processed. So they won’t really help you lose weight. If it does help, the weight loss will be very temporary.
That’s not what you want to happen. You want to lose weight and you want to keep it off for good. The best way to do that is by eating a diet that’s free of any deadly ingredients.
Bistro MD is one of the few diet delivery programs that claim their food is free of any deadly ingredients. Apparently there are 3 dangerous food ingredients that you will never find in Bistro MD. If you want to know what these 3 dangerous food ingredients are, read on.
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3. Aspartame
If you don’t know what aspartame is, it’s basically a food additive. This article on says that it’s one of the most common additive you’ll find in most weight loss foods. It’s used a lot as an artificial sweetener and it’s considered to be the worst kind.
A study conducted in July 2017 connects aspartme to various health issues such as heart disease. Interestingly, the same study cites that aspartme can also increase the risk of body mass index. So clearly, this deadly artificial sweetener doesn’t really help with weight loss.
It may not be a calorie-laden food component, but it can contribute a lot to weight gain and other major health issues such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular events, and metabolic syndrome.
It may not be a calorie-laden food component, but it can contribute a lot to weight gain and other major health issues such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular events, and metabolic syndrome.
You won’t find this deadly food ingredient in any of the Bistro MD dishes. That pretty much is the reason why weight loss is safe and permanent with this particular diet delivery program.
2. MSG
Monosodium glutamate, better known as MSG, is what makes various foods taste really good. It enhances the flavor of dishes. There’s a lot of MSG in processed foods, Chinese food, and other canned foods.
Unfortunately, MSG is deadly. According to, this silent killer is found in every kind of food. Since it is as cheap as sugar, it’s used widely and wildly. Apparently, MSG is also found in infant formula milk.
The bad news doesn’t end there. It gets worse because MSG can be blamed for weight gain. There’s a big chance that it’s contributing to the dramatic rise in obesity these days.
The bad news doesn’t end there. It gets worse because MSG can be blamed for weight gain. There’s a big chance that it’s contributing to the dramatic rise in obesity these days.
It’s hard to stay away from this particular deadly food ingredient. Aside from the fact that it’s found in almost all kinds of foods, it’s often concealed in food labels.
You won’t find it written down as MSG; instead it’s concealed. You will find it in food labels under names such as autolyzed, broth, hydrolyzed, and casein. So be careful because even if you read food labels, you might somehow miss it.
The good news is that Bistro MD does not use MSG to enhance the flavor of their dishes. All their dishes are made from fresh ingredients. Hence, the flavors are all natural; devoid of any MSG. Bistro MD delivers to your doorstep real food that has been freshly cooked. You can enjoy their dishes without having to worry about a deadly ingredient called MSG. Related read: Lose Weight With Diet-To-Go
1. Trans Fats
This dangerous food ingredient is also called trans-fatty acid. It does nothing good to your body. Research experts at say that this is the worst kind of fat you can put in your body. With this deadly ingredient, your bad cholesterol goes up and good cholesterol goes down.
An industrial process called hydrogenation forms artificial trans fat. This is when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil, solidifying it at room temperature. When that happens, vegetable oil is transformed into partially hydrogenated oil.
Partially hydrogenated oil extends the shelf life of foods. Hence, it’s used a lot and that’s why you will find trans fat in almost all kinds of foods. Related read: Save On Bistro MD With This Coupon
There’s trans fat in baked goods such as cookies, cakes, and pies. Snacks such as chips and popcorn contain this worst kind of fat as well. Diet popcorn is not spared as well. Expect it to contain this deadly food ingredient as well.
Trans fat is also found in other foods like french fries, frozen pizza, and cinnamon rolls.
Trans fat is also found in other foods like french fries, frozen pizza, and cinnamon rolls. Chances are, the margarine stick you keep in your refrigerator and the non-dairy coffee creamer you keep in your pantry also contain trans fat.
Since hydrogenated vegetable oil can be reused more, it shouldn’t really shock you to know that some restaurants would prefer it more to other oils. So you might want to stay away from restaurant food as well.
So what can you eat? Bistro MD is highly recommended since this diet does not contain any trans fat. It’s also worth noting that Bistro MD does not contain any kind of chemical fillers, artificial colorings, sulfites, or nitrates; all of which are very dangerous to your health.
You can enjoy healthy diet that tastes good. Since all the meals of Bistro MD are carefully portioned for weight loss, you can lose weight safely.
Bistro MD is the safest diet even if you’re not trying to lose weight. If you simply want to eat real foods that are safe and naturally healthy, Bistro MD is the safest diet for you.
Eating home-cooked meals is the most ideal thing to do, most specially if you’re trying to lose weight. That way, you know exactly what you’re eating.
Question is, can you imagine cooking your every single meal? Even if you try to precook everything, it’s not going to be easy. Bistromd is the closest to having freshly home-cooked meals, with no artificial flavoring whatsoever.
Nothing beats home-cooked meals but if there’s not enough time to do some cooking, BistroMD is your best bet. You can get freshly cooked meals delivered to your home. I’ve been using the services of BistroMD for years and I’m very happy with it.
Dangerous food ingredients like the ones you mentioned here enhance taste. Aside from the fact that they lengthen shelf life, they make food taste good. Hence, a lot of companies rely on these dangerous food ingredients. We really have to be more aware of what’s in our food. It’s the only way to good health.
Thanks for shedding some light on the most common but dangerous food ingredients. Unfortunately, most of the food we eat contains those deadly ingredients. If we don’t read food labels, the manufacturers will always attempt to use such food ingredients and try to get away with it.
Thank you for sharing. It’s an educational post and I appreciate it. I’ve never heard of aspartame until now. It’s pretty scary because I never thought that artificial sweetener was deadly. Now I have to replace what I normally put into my coffee.
I think artificial sweetener is even more dangerous than sugar itself. You see, what it does is that it heightens your sweet craving. Since you want to avoid sugar, you turn to an alternative sweetener instead. Unfortunately, that’s not good for you. Most of the alternative sweeteners out there are not safe.