Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️

No one likes to diet. It can get pretty stressful. You just want to lose the weight as fast as you can so that you can get it over and done with.
Unfortunately, it just doesn’t work that way. While you can always get on a diet to lose weight, you just can’t get it over and done with and expect to lose weight right away.
A safe weight loss takes some time. You should never expect immediate results from a credible diet.
A safe weight loss takes some time. You should never expect immediate results from a credible diet. Instead, you should welcome small changes week after week. That’s just one weight loss tip for you. Is it doable? Yes, it is. As much as it is doable, it’s also realistic. Here are more doable and realistic tips for you to lose some weight.
Table of Contents
4. Get Real
If you have to lose weight, get real. Don’t set a goal that’s not attainable. Set a realistic goal for yourself.
It gets terribly stressful to lose weight if you compel yourself to drop a huge amount of weight in a very short span of time. You know pretty well that’s not attainable, right?
Don’t start your diet with outrageous weight loss goals. Work on a realistic number and take it from there.
Don’t start your diet with outrageous weight loss goals. Work on a realistic number and take it from there.
For example, challenge yourself to lose a pound or two first. Don’t focus your thoughts on losing thirty pounds right away.
While you do know in your heart that you have to lose thirty pounds, focus on the small changes and just get real. That way, you won’t get frustrated. Eventually, you will see some results. No matter how small they are, they are results.
3. Clear the Path To Wellness
For any diet plan to succeed, you need a clear path to wellness. So set a goal and make sure the path to your goal is clear.
There are some bad habits that you would have to drop. For starters, you would have to stop eating junk food.
Clear the way by removing the unhealthy foods stashed in your pantry. Get rid of the ice cream in the freezer and the bag of chocolates hidden somewhere in your refrigerator. These aren’t the kind of fatty foods that should be in your diet. Clear the way to the path of wellness by avoiding junk food.
When you go to the grocery store, stay away from high-calorie foods. Grab more of the salad greens but try do away with the dressing.
When you go to the grocery store, stay away from high-calorie foods. Grab more of the salad greens but try do away with the dressing.
Choose lean meats. For some quick snacks, go for some almond nuts instead. By making healthy food choices, your path to wellness is very clear.
2. Move It to Lose It
Here’s another doable and realistic tip for your weight loss. Just move it to lose it. It’s quite simple. If you’re serious about losing weight, exercise.
Move your body and burn some calories. Move more to burn more. That way, you can lose more.
Move your body and burn some calories. Move more to burn more. That way, you can lose more.
If you aren’t too crazy about going to the gym, then get creative. Walk the dog. If you don’t have a dog, then walk the neighbor’s dog. If your neighbor doesn’t have a dog as well, then just walk.
Walking can do wonders for you. There are so many ways to sweat it out. Just make sure to move your body.
1. Use Smaller Plates
Portion control is not a trend these day. It’s a must. Yes, almond nuts are healthy but eating an entire bag defeats the purpose.
If you are used to eating several slices of white bread then you might want to consider two slices of whole wheat bread instead. Often times, it is not what you eat but how much of it you eat.
Portion control allows you to eat anything in moderation. However, eating portion control food on huge plates tricks your mind to eat more.
Portion control allows you to eat anything in moderation. However, eating portion control food on huge plates tricks your mind to eat more. A more doable and realistic trick to eat portion control food is by using smaller plates. Related read: Use The Latest Coupon Code For Bistro MD
Using a smaller plate will make your portion control food look more than it really is. That trick deceives your mind to think that you have eaten a lot already that you need to stop. The truth is, you’ve only consumed half of what you usually take eat.
This trick definitely works. It is actually is one of the simple weight loss strategies cited in this video.
“Studies have repeatedly show that one of the surest ways to cut down your food intake is to eat off of smaller dishes. Scientists had subjects eat popcorn, controlling per every imaginable variable; taste, butter content, freshness, and so forth. In fact, the amount of popcorn people ate was almost completely dependent on the size of the popcorn container. The same scientist ran test on macaroni and cheese eating habits and found that subjects who ate macaroni and cheese out of a small bowl felt just as full and satisfied as those who ate their noodles out of the larger bowl.”
He also added:
“Satisfaction came not from the amount of cheesy goodness they ate but instead from finishing the food on the plate regardless of its size. How can that be? Maybe it’s because, as members of the cleaner plate generation, we weren’t allowed to leave the table until we finished every last morsel mom put on our plate…Most of us were conditioned by the rewards that came from cleaning our plates.Well now you know this, you can use this tip to eat less without feeling less satisfied. Clean your plate, just use a smaller plate.”
Proper food portioning also prevents starvation. By eating the right amount of food, you won’t go hungry and at the same time, you can maintain your energy level throughout the day.
By eating sensible portion of foods, you have bigger chances to lose weight. Keep in mind that you had gained the unwanted pounds from eating extra slices of cake. So it really is about eating in moderation not food deprivation.
Back To Basic
There are weight loss diets that really work. Don’t ignore those diets. They basically consist of the right food so that you can develop healthy eating habits.
There’s no need to get on a complicated diet plan. Going on a diet is challenging enough. Why make it complicated?
There’s no need to get on a complicated diet plan. Going on a diet is challenging enough. Why make it complicated?
Follow these doable and realistic tips. Work on small, achievable weight loss goals, eat healthy foods in the right amount, move your body more, and start using smaller plates. Go back to basic and see yourself losing weight. It’s not that hard after all.
Ads glamorize thinness and that’s what gets people to have unrealistic weight loss goals. I always tell my clients to just take it easy. It’s better to lose a couple of pounds slowly than lose a lot in such a short period of time. You’ll be on the safe side when you lose weight slowly.
I fill myself up with Bistromd twice a day. I have it for lunch and dinner (I skip breakfast). Then I do 200 squats everyday (100 when I get up in the morning and another set of 100 before sleeping). This is a very simple routine but the effect on my weight is pretty good.
Sleep. It is vital to losing body fat. Sleep allows your body to rest, repair and reset your hormones. If you are sleep deprived, it will increase your cortisol levels, which promotes fat storage around your midsection and make you a raging/moody.
I have to agree that these quite doable tips but still, everything is easier said than done. For example, dropping the bad habits is not going to be that easy. There’s a lot to do to clear the path to wellness but then again, you’re right. It can be done. With discipline and hard work, it can be done.
The path to wellness is not easy at all. However, a good diet program can help you clear the path to wellness. Stick to it and you will get there. Wellness is attainable if you really focus on it.