Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️

Calorie counting. There’s a lot of talk about it. Some find it effective, some don’t. For some that find it effective, they don’t think of it as dieting. For them, it’s a way of life. It has becomes a habit to take note of every single calorie intake that it works our perfectly for them.
If you think about it, calorie counting should work. According to, counting your calorie intake is the most basic way to lose weight. It’s a balancing act. You need to burn more calories to lose weight. And if you’re not burning more than you should, then you’re in trouble. You’re going to gain weight.
To avoid that trap, you just have to keep track of your calorie intake. Sounds pretty simple, huh? Unfortunately, it’s not just that simple. If it were, weight loss wouldn’t be much of a problem for you and for most folks, right? But the reality is, it still is.
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The (In)Accuracy of Calorie Counting
No matter how simple it is; calorie counting can be very challenging. It’s not easy to get accurate information on the amount of calories. Hence, accurate information is the first challenge you’ll face should you want to lose weight by counting calories. How sure are you that you’re actually getting the exact numbers of calories from the food and drinks you’re taking in?
No matter how simple it is; calorie counting can be very challenging. It’s not easy to get accurate information on the amount of calories.
Counting calories means you have to keep track of every bit of food morsel you eat. Be it liquid or not, you need to keep tab of everything you eat. This takes a lot of work. You need to measure all the ingredients that go into your food. Be it a snack or a meal, you need to take note of each and every ingredient to make sure you have the right amount of calories. You’ll definitely have to add more time and effort to your food preparation. Just figuring out how many calories a particular ingredient has is no joke. You’ll need a long list of food ingredients with their corresponding calorie content.
Dining out wouldn’t be so pleasurable as well if you have to keep track of the calories. To begin with, you’ll have to take with you various tools that can help you track the calories. Luckily these days, you can rely on certain apps that can help you count the calories. But that would entail you to record all the information first. You would have to carefully coordinate with the waiter and the kitchen for the accurate dish information.
The tedious work that goes into counting the calories while dining out definitely takes out the pleasure of enjoying a meal outside a home. And even if the menu has a complete list of calories that go into each dish, you would still have to record it for future reference. So considering all the work that has to be done, you might just end up eating more calories than you should.
Unfortunately, even that mere task of recording caloric information can be inaccurate as well. Based on some studies, people don’t usually report or record the exact amount of calories they take in. As a matter of fact, the International Food Information Council Foundation states that sixty-seven percent of Americans actually take into consideration the calorie content of their food purchase. Unfortunately though, nine out of ten have no idea as to how many calories their body needs. This is where the inaccuracy of counting calories comes in.
A Diet Delivery Plan Like Bistro MD Simplifies Everything
So what are your options? Should you find it too tedious to continue counting the calories, what else can you do to lose weight and to keep it off? Health experts from suggest you eat smaller food portions.
A recent study shows that the amount of food you’re used to eating is based on the food portions served in restaurants. Suffice it to say, these restaurant food portions are quite too big. But unfortunately, you end up serving the same amount of food portions at home. These huge restaurant food portions have become the normal or regular food portion sizes for you. Because of this, you are eating more.
Studies have proven that you end up eating more if more food is served. Based on a particular research from the University of Illinois-Champaign, people actually eat forty-five percent more with bigger food servings.
Studies have proven that you end up eating more if more food is served. Based on a particular research from the University of Illinois-Champaign, people actually eat forty-five percent more with bigger food servings. So basically, you need to change your view on how small your food portions should be. That, too, takes some time and effort to do.
A much better option for you is to consider a diet delivery program like Bistro MD. The meals from this particular diet delivery program promote safe and healthy weight loss. This is because of the fact that it provides entrees that are nutritionally balanced and are specifically customized to your own needs. Needless to say, Bistro MD sees it to that you get the right amount of calories as well.
Dr. Caroline J. Cederquist, together with her team of Registered Dietitians, not only sees to it that each entrée from Bistro MD meets your particular nutritional standards. She also makes sure that you’re getting the right amount of calories. As a matter of fact, Bistro MD’s nutritional plan for a healthy weight loss is based on a daily calorie intake of 1,100 to 1,400 calories.
This is a balanced nutritional plan that consists of a daily caloric intake from lean proteins (40% to 50%), healthy fats (20% to 25%), and complex carbohydrates (30% to 35%). So as you can see, everything is computed for you. You wouldn’t have to go through the trouble of weighing or measuring every bit of ingredient. Furthermore, you are assured that you’re getting your calories from healthy food sources. That’s very important specially when you are trying to lose weight.
With Bistro MD, all you have to do is to heat up your meals. This is definitely a more simplified way of counting the calories and eating the right sizes of food portions.
With Bistro MD, all you have to do is to heat up your meals. This is definitely a more simplified way of counting the calories and eating the right sizes of food portions.
Calorie Counting Can Work For You
Calorie counting can definitely work for you. Actually, it can work for everybody. As long as it’s done right, calorie counting works. But doing it right is the challenge. And if it’s not done right, then it’s just useless to count each and every single calorie.
You are better off leaving the calorie courting to the health experts.
Disclosure: Compensated Affiliate. Click here for details.
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Do you count calories at all when you go on a weight loss program?
I honestly believe that calorie counting can work for me and for everybody else. If we really put in the the right amount of calories into our body, then losing weight wouldn’t be much of a problem. However, it is. For someone like me, I wouldn’t know how to count calories at all. Let alone, would I have any time to do it. Counting calories is something we should leave to the experts. A group like Bistro md should be able to take care of our calorie intake easily.
I didn’t think I needed help with calorie counting. I really thought I could do it myself. I was wrong. It’s not that easy to count calories. You can’t just do it in one sitting. I realized that it doesn’t work that way. Calorie counting is a huge part of meal planning and that is a a lot of work.
It’s hard to gather information about the food we eat. That’s something we should leave to the health experts. Knowing that there’s a solid team of health experts behind Bistro md makes it easy for me to decide to try it out. Thanks for the great info.