Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️

Are you tired of trying all kinds of weight loss programs only to end up failing? Well, you’re not alone. According to this article, millions of folks set their goals to lose weight and get on some kind weight loss program. But unfortunately, out of the millions of folks only a few of them are able to keep the weight off for a very long time. Ninety to ninety-five percent gain back the weight. So don’t feel so bad. You’re not the only one.
But then if you really want to make a weight loss program work for you, then it’s time to seriously assess what you have been doing in the past. It might be time to change some of your beliefs on weight loss.
You Just Can’t Do It Alone
Most of the well-known and proven weight loss programs nowadays promise 100% success rate. This is enough for you to immediately get on a weight loss program. After all, the promise of easy weight loss lures just about anybody. But be careful. This is a very dangerous mindset on weight loss. While most, if not all, weight loss programs promise 100% success rate, you should never get on any kind of weight loss program without consulting a doctor.
You cannot do it alone. Even if most weight loss programs promise safe results, you should always get with a medical practitioner first. Getting on a weight loss program without any kind of consultation from a doctor might just endanger your health.
Most weight loss programs recommend limited calorie intake. While this is an effective way to lose weight, you simply cannot conclude that it can work for you. A limited calorie intake can only work if you get with a doctor first.
If a certain weight loss program works for some, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it can work for you. You cannot simply conclude that a limited amount of calorie intake is enough to make you lose weight.
You have to keep in mind that you have different needs from everybody else. If a certain weight loss program works for some, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it can work for you. You cannot simply conclude that a limited amount of calorie intake is enough to make you lose weight. Undergoing a thorough medical examination is the safest way for you to know if you should limit your calorie intake.
Your doctor is the best person to recommend as to how many calories you should take in for the day for you to effectively lose weight. You just can’t get on a weight loss program and succumb to their limited calorie intake. If that has not worked for you in the past, then it never will in the future.
The good thing about some weight loss programs that limit calorie intake is that you can always work your way around it. For example, some meal replacement programs actually design a special menu for your own needs. You won’t have to settle for their standard calorie intake for the day.
You can actually share with them your medical findings so that they can work with what your doctor has recommended. This is the safest way for you to lose weight. So if all your weight loss attempts have failed, take a good look at what you have been doing in the past. If you have never gotten with your doctor before getting on any kind of weight loss program, then it’s probably high time you do.
You Can Always Get Back On It
All weight loss programs are all formulated and designed to work effectively. While most of them aren’t a hundred percent safe, they’re designed to really make you lose weight. There’s just no doubt about that.
But for a weight loss program to work, you need to be on it for the long haul. Don’t expect weight loss programs to work if you’re a prodigal dieter. There’s just no way you can ever lose weight by not committing 100% of yourself to the whole program. For a weight loss program to work, you need to be a 100% committed to it. You cannot start and stop after a few days. You need to stick to it.
So try to assess as to how you have been tirelessly trying to lose weight. If you have always thought that you could get back on a weight loss program, then it’s time for a mind shift. If you really want a weight loss program to effectively, you need to stick to it.
You Actually Believe You Can Get Immediate Results
The belief that you can actually get immediate results can hinder your weight loss. Again, you cannot totally rely on a weight loss program to dictate to you as to how much weight you should lose and as to when you should lose it. Have a medical practitioner sum that up for you. Only then can you choose a weight loss program that can work with your medical results.
Again, you cannot totally rely on a weight loss program to dictate to you as to how much weight you should lose and as to when you should lose it.
It gets really frustrating when all your weight loss attempts fail. It’s as if you can’t do anything right. Then you blame the weight loss program you’re on. You need to keep in mind that all weight loss programs are designed to work effectively. If they don’t work for you, then you’re probably doing something wrong. Start with your attitude towards weight loss. It’s probably time to change some of your beliefs about it. Once you realize this, then you have more chances of succeeding with a weight loss program.
Have you found the perfect weight loss program that is effective and satisfying?
Getting on a diet program is just like entering a new relationship. It needs commitment to make it work. Without commitment, nothing will ever come out of it. It will just be a waste of time. But if you do commit to a diet program, everything else will follow. It goes without saying that it’s same way for a relationship. 😉
We can’t really rely on a weight loss program to get us back to shape. A good weight loss program, like Bistromd, definitely helps but it really depends on us. We need to be committed to the program because if we’re not, nothing is going to happen. There will be no weight loss at all.
You’re definitely right, coachKeith. No matter kind of diet you’re in, the bottom line is commitment. Good thing Bistromd makes it easy for dieters to commit to a safe and nutritious diet.
These are the most common misconceptions about losing weight. It’s good of you to point them out because there are a lot of people out there who are actually thinking this way. These are very dangerous thoughts about losing weight. A safe weight loss should have the guidance of a medical expert like a doctor. Keeping the weight off would have to entail total commitment to the diet. Lastly, there is NO such thing as a quick diet that can safely get you to lose weight. Quick diets are very dangerous.