Dietary and nutritional content reviewed by Jasmin Gorostiza, DT, DM, DSS, CFPP.️
It’s a simple weight loss tip. You should never starve yourself if you really want to lose weight.
Sounds easy enough to follow but it’s not. The fact that you shouldn’t have to starve yourself doesn’t necessarily mean that you can eat a lot.
The amount of weight you lose still relies on the amount of food you eat. So you still have to watch your food intake. At the same time, you have to really avoid starving yourself.
The amount of weight you lose still relies on the amount of food you eat. So you still have to watch your food intake. At the same time, you have to really avoid starving yourself.
You have to find a balance between the two. That’s when weight loss becomes very complicated.
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What Happens When You Starve Yourself
Most dieters are guilty of starving themselves. You’re probably guilty of doing it as well. It gets pretty tempting to starve yourself because it just seems like the most sensible thing to do to lose weight.
Well, it’s not the most sensible thing to do even if you’re not planning on losing weight. As a matter of fact, it’s not the safest thing to do at all.
The video that explains what happens when you starve yourself. It features David Veras, a certified fitness trainer. According to him, the worst thing you can do if you’re trying to lose weight is to starve yourself.
Ninety-nine percent of the people that are trying to lose weight and they starve themselves, end up gaining more weight.
He continues on to say:
… starving yourself does two things. It slows down your metabolism. So you get really, really tired and you can’t function 100%…You’re a little bit tired most of the time. And then on top of that…once you cave in to all the food that’s around you, you’re gonna eat like crazy. So your metabolism is really slow. You lose muscle. Your body just slows down completely and then all of a sudden you start eating again all these food you know you had around that you’re trying to avoid. So what happens? You gain a lot more weight than what you had before … This is why you don’t want to starve yourself when you’re trying to lose weight.
David shares the two things you should focus on when you’re trying to lose weight.
There’s two things that you should focus on when you’re trying to lose weight. Exercise and eating better… If you don’t exercise and eat better, you can easily lose weight. But if you want a tight-toned body, you’re gonna have to exercise along with a good diet to get the body like a tight-toned body. But you can definitely lose weight without the exercise, just eating better.
He added:
Eating things like chicken, broccoli, beans; very natural food. You never ever, ever want to try to lose weight by starving yourself. So if you try starving yourself or you’re thinking about doing it to lose weight, don’t do it. Do yourself a favor, just don’t do it. You can eat and you can eat better and still lose weight and you won’t have to go through extreme measure like going on a starvation diet.
Instead of gong on a starvation diet, David recommends that you change your diet.
Instead of going on a diet, I want you to change your diet. So if your diet is fast food…or just greasy food … you definitely want to change it to a healthier one and keep eating like that for the rest of your life and that’s how you keep the weight off and you never have to worry about going on diets or staving yourself.
So starving yourself is never an option. It’s just not good for you if you resort to such dangerous means of losing weight.
Strike A Balance
So how can you possibly strike a balance between eating limited amount of food and not starving yourself to death just so you can lose some weight? Sounds a little too complicated but it can be done.
A good way to limit your food intake is by practicing portion control. This way, you’re just limiting the one thing that you should be limiting to lose weight and that is your calorie intake.
With portion control, you can limit your calorie intake. However, you would have to measure your food all the time. Related read: Save With This Bistro MD Coupon
They say that you can never go wrong if you eat food portions as big as your fist. A food portion as big as your fist is approximately equivalent to one serving. Hence, you can keep track of the servings by measuring your food portions with your fist.
They say that you can never go wrong if you eat food portions as big as your fist. A food portion as big as your fist is approximately equivalent to one serving.
Of course, that’s just an approximate measurement. It’s not exact but it’ll do.
It’s important for you to know that when you practice food portion, you should only be limiting the calories and nothing else.
You still need to have the recommended daily doses of proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins, and carbohydrates. You cannot sacrifice all these vital components of a healthy diet.
Nonetheless, practicing food portions is a good way to strike a balance but it’s not enough. To keep you from starving, you also have to eat frequently.
To keep you from starving, you also have to eat frequently.
You have to fuel your body from time to time so that it won’t give in to the food that’s around you. If you don’t fuel your body from time to time, you are going to get hungry.
When that happens, you’re in for a bigger problem. You’re going to give in to the food that’s around you and you’re never going to end up losing weight. You really need to keep yourself from getting hungry by eating frequently.
So make sure to strike the balance between portioning your food and consuming it frequently throughout the day. That’s the only way you can eat better to lose weight.
When you skip breakfast, you’ll end up eating a lot for lunch. When you eat a lot for lunch, you’ll end up sleepy. It’s going to be hard to get back to work because you’ll feel very lethargic. That’s why I make sure to carry some ready-to-go meals and snacks. I never end up eating too much.
I thought working from home would make it easier for me to watch what I eat. I was wrong. 😊 It’s easier for me to get with a diet delivery service, like Diettogo, than cook my own meals at home.
Striking that balance is very hard to do especially if you’re busy. You would have to put in extra time just to prep the right kind of food and eat it on time. That’s a lot to do.
You really have to learn how to strike that balance especially if you have to cook your own meals. It’ll actually be a lot easier to have a diet service like Bistro MD do it for you.
Natural foods keep the stomach full for a longer time. Aside from that, they nourish the body. Unlike junk or preserved foods that damage the body and provide brief satisfaction of fullness.